DIY Seed Bomb Wedding Favors

Attention, all nature lovers! This DIY is just for you! Typically thrown in urban or city areas, seed bombs are humans' way of saying, "Let's give back natural beauty to forgotten places." Made of clay powder, potting soil, and wildflower seeds, seed bomb favors are a great way to be eco-friendly and celebrate your wedding day. Very easy to make in large or small quantities, this DIY tutorial will teach you how to make this great green wedding favor idea... just in time for Easter and Spring!

How to make seed bomb wedding favors

New beginnings and fresh flowers are the perfect way to share this season with guests! Fun and funky seed bombs can be made in all shapes and sizes-- I happened to shape mine like eggs for the season! Your guests can just toss their favors onto areas of their yard-- wherever they'd like some new blossoms to magically appear-- or in an urban development that could use a spot of beauty! The seed bombs hold a special surprise inside. When it rains, the clay and soil soften and provide the perfect environment for the seeds to grow into beautiful spring blooms!

[Makes approximately 25 2-inch Seed Bombs]
• 4 cups of potting soil (or soil from your garden)
• 4 cups of red clay powder
• 1 cup of flower seeds
• 1/4 (or less) cup of water
• Large glass bowl
• Drying plate or cookie sheet
• 25 cut pieces of 4” fabric squares
• Twine or thin ribbon


Measure equals parts potting soil and clay powder and put into the large glass bowl. Add in your cup of flower seeds into the soil/clay mixture and slowly pour in the water. Add small amounts of water at a time-- you don't want to make it runny. Don't worry if you add too much water; you can just add more clay and soil. The clay powder acts as a binder to keep the soil together and will dry to help keep the soil and seeds from falling apart.

How to make seed bomb wedding favors

Stir and mix completely together. It's important that the clay powder is mixed in evenly. It will be messy, so keep paper towels on hand, and feel free to get your hands dirty! The texture should be similar to a thick paste (like chocolate chip cookie dough) or bread dough.

Next, take a spoonful of the mixture into your hands and roll it into a ball. I made egg-shaped balls by pressing one side slightly more than the other end.

How to make seed bomb wedding favors

Place each seed bomb onto a cookie sheet or plate. It will take 2-3 days to dry completely so find a safe place to keep them. Letting them dry outside is ideal but make sure to keep it from getting wet from rain or hose/sprinklers. Rain is what will generate the melting and germination process after you decide where you (or your wedding guests) want to "toss them." You can write little instructions to tuck into the fabric pouch if you'd like, and if you do, you will want to let your guests know to not cover the seed bombs over with more dirt-- your new seed bomb is a complete flower growing product as is!

How to make seed bomb wedding favors

Once the seed bombs are completely dried, they will be hard and ready to wrap. Cut your desired number of fabric squares in 4" lengths and your desired length of ribbon or twine to finish off the favor pouch.

If your seed bomb is larger, make sure to make the fabric large enough to cover and leave a little space to tie off the twine. You can tie the twine or ribbon any way you'd like, in ours, we have tied it several ways. I kind of like the loop best because you can pull one end of the twine, and it will slide off easily.

These make such fun and eco-friendly gifts for wedding or bridal shower gifts! Do your part to beautify your world and share them with your friends!

How to make seed bomb wedding favors

Feeling crafty? See all of Tidewater and Tulle's DIY projects and be inspired!

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