Kiss the Bride Lip Balm Favors
makes 12 tubes
- 2 tablespoons beeswax pellets
- 2 tablespoons pure shea butter
- 4 tablespoons sweet almond oil
- 10-12 drops of peppermint essential oil

- Glass bowl
- Small silicon spatula
- Microwave
- Lip balm tubes
- Disposable plastic pipettes
- Lip balm labels (I used White Gloss for Inkjet.)
- Label printable for lip balm tubes from Tidewater and Tulle

In a glass mixing bowl, melt your beeswax pellets, almond oil, and shea butter together in the microwave for 30 seconds. With silicon spatula, stir and then repeat in 30 seconds intervals until a smooth, clear liquid consistency.
Add your drops of peppermint oil and stir. Using the plastic pipettes, quickly squeeze and pour the liquid into the lip balm tubes to the very top without overflowing (the balm will settle below the rim as it cools). Set aside and let harden.

No microwave? No problem! Use a double-boiler by placing a heat-friendly glass bowl over a small pot with about an inch of water in the pot; the stove should be on a low heat, but high enough to make the water simmer.
You can switch out the peppermint oil for another type of essential oil like rosemary and lavender. Avoid citrus-based essential oils if you're prone to sunburns as these oils are photosensitive.
Even though the beeswax has a natural SPF of 15, you can make your lip balm with extra SPF by adding raspberry seed oil which is said to have natural 30-50 SPF properties.
For lip stains/color and for the fun "kiss the bride" guestbook, shave some of your favorite lipstick and stir in when the liquid is hot and melted. This will be a bit of a trial to achieve which color you prefer, but it's a great touch!

These printable templates were designed to be printed only with OnlineLabels.com's lip balm labels. When printing this template, it's very, very important that you do not "resize to fit page/shrink" in your printer settings. It will not line up with the labels if you do so. Print as "actual size" and all of the labels will come out perfectly.
Blue-Green Labels
Deep Coral Labels
Lavender Labels
Pale Yellow Labels
DIY Note: Your actual printable templates look a lot different than in the ones in the photos as the templates-for-you were designed to ensure you will have a fully-colored label (i.e., full bleed for your designers out there) with no black lines. The sample photos are purely instructional to show off these labels. :)

Feeling crafty? See all of Tidewater and Tulle's DIY projects and be inspired!